13. Mai 2015In 2015/2

Resignation of US Consul General Stephen A. Hubler

Interview with US Consul General Stephen A. Hubler

von Dr. Paul Breuer

The time period of the US Consul General, Stephen A. Hubler ended May 7th, 2015 in Düsseldorf, the capital of Northrhine Westphalia. On this occasion the AmCham Committee of NRW organized an official farewell ceremony in the InterConti Hotel Düsseldorf. „It`s scarcely believable how fast three years of co-operation have passed“, said Dr. Schröder-Frerkes, Chairman of AmCham of NRW.

For his remarkable achievement during this period the Consul General was rewarded with the „Certificate of Merit“. At the same time he received the „Golden Cartwheel“ from the Düsseldorf committee for his outstanding achievements and his special kindness – a typical „Rhenish nature“.

This honor can by no means be taken for granted. By the way, it was the first time these award was given to an US Consul General in NRW. Your contribution to the German-American understanding was very important for the mutual trust especially in this difficult time between Germany and the USA because of the NSA telephone affair.

Your luggage is packed to start the new important duty as the US Senior Refugee Coordinator in Baghdad, Iraq. How hard is it for you to leave Düsseldorf?

First of all, let me thank the AmCham NRW for this great honor. It has been a pleasure working with the AmCham and all its members to strengthen German-American commercial ties. We hope for an eventual TTIP agreement that will bring us, on both sides of the Atlantic, more trade and investment, more jobs and greater innovation.
It is difficult to leave Düsseldorf and NRW. We have made many friends here and have enjoyed our nearly three-year stay. Düsseldorf is a wonderful place to live and work. But a diplomat’s life is marked by constant change, so we are prepared for the transition to the next challenge.

Will we see you in Düsseldorf in the foreseeable future?

I plan to return to Dusseldorf to visit my family during my holiday leave in the year I will spend in Baghdad. I look forward to enjoying an Altbier again sometime in the fall of this year.
It shouldn’t be surprising that the Düsseldorf community would like to accompany your diplomatic career. It would be very helpful if you sent us a small report from time to time about your new duties and how you are finding your way in this dangerous political area.

Can you imagine doing this?

Yes, I will be happy to send a short report on my activities in Baghdad and Iraq overall, especially the extent to which we coordinate with Germany in providing humanitarian assistance to Iraq displaced persons and refugees.

US Vice Consul Derek Kelly will be in charge until your successor, Michael Keller, will take over your Consul General position.
The DJournal and the many friends you have gained in NRW and I wish you all the best and luck in fulfilling your duties and tasks required by your country in this dangerous region of the world.
Good luck, take care an ‘Auf Wiedersehen’, dear Stephen Hubler.

Dr. Norbert Vogelpoth (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender PwC), Dr. Jürgen Schröder (Director McKinsey & Company), Steven A. Hubler (US Generalkonsul), Dr. Alexander Schröder-Frerkes (Chairman AmCham Chapter NRW), Olaf Gillert (Partner Taylor Wessing), Frank Sportolari (President UPS Germany), Werner L. Kanthak (AmCham Representative NRW)

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